Friday, July 10, 2009

Shootout saturday #manimissmydogs

Slow week, here's some things my friends write that I read in lieu of having any real friends in Beijing:

Two of my Boston friends are living the entrepreneurial high/low life, I like following their successes on that ADD realtime engine called Twitter. Check out Oak and Grillo's Pickles, also stay tuned for a heavy brand-evangelistic review of Grillo's from me coming soon.

Speaking of Boston, Matt S's new blog venture has allowed me to greatly expand my obscure worldpsych/diamond in the rough Americana musical vocabulary, as well as vicariously hang out with my beantown crew. Thanks, Matt. 

My friend Jesse Spears from LA is on Van's Warped tour, where she's painting a new participatory mural every day.

Kat is digging Inka sites in Ecuador, as is Mike, who doesn't have a linkable name but might be moving to Ulaan Battur soon so hopefully he will start a blog.

Jeff is traipsing around Israel, making cross-cultural connections and wondering about authenticity.

Speaking of Jeff, I curate a science news reading list for him on that other ADD realtime engine called Facebook. Here's what I've lined up for him this week:
Speaking of weird science, did you know that Tesla and Twain used to hang out? I had no idea. This gets me so amped.

Back to friends: Matt, Jay Bil and I have been posting fairly regularly to our city blog, drop by if you're into cell phone pictures of Tokyo, Turkish book design, or whatever it is I write about Beijing. Also, if you're by chance interested Balkan trout restoration, stay tuned for the newest member of the crew, Ljubljana-based John Zablocki.

Speaking of megalopoli, I'm headed to Hong Kong tomorrow morning. I already did the two tourist things that everyone recommends I do, so I'm not so sure what I'll get into. Probably just focus on avoiding this tropical cyclone. Cheers.

Posted via email from Josh Feola

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